If you look over to your right, below the recipe index, you may see that Itadakimasu now has a mailing list. Join, and I will send you an email every time I post a new recipe.
Hey! I really like your blog and so I added your link on my one! www.anninasfood.blogspot.com Hope this is ok for you! I'm also a member of the Daring Bakers! :-) So... go on like this! Greetings from Switzerland, Annina (Ann)
Annina - thanks for adding my blog! I'm hoping to join Daring Bakers as well, but as you can see, I'm a little lax about deadlines.... Your photos on your blog are lovely, and I can't wait to try some of your recipes.
Katie - we ate all of the pork before I remembered to take pictures. Oh well. Guess I'll just have to make more!
I really like your blog and so I added your link on my one! www.anninasfood.blogspot.com Hope this is ok for you! I'm also a member of the Daring Bakers! :-) So... go on like this! Greetings from Switzerland, Annina (Ann)
Donuts! Delicious fruity pork! Beignets!
Annina - thanks for adding my blog! I'm hoping to join Daring Bakers as well, but as you can see, I'm a little lax about deadlines.... Your photos on your blog are lovely, and I can't wait to try some of your recipes.
Katie - we ate all of the pork before I remembered to take pictures. Oh well. Guess I'll just have to make more!
Anonymous - demand, and you shall receive.
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